Frequently Asked Questions
What is Trafficking in Persons?
Trafficking in Persons (TiP), also known as human trafficking, is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons for the purpose of exploitation, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person.
The three elements required to meet the definitions of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) are;
- Act - recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons (What is done).
- Means - threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person. (How it is done).
- Purpose - exploitation (Why it is done).
What is child trafficking?
Child trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of child, for the purpose of exploitation. Please note that you just need to prove that there was an activity and exploitation to prove a case of child trafficking.
What is the difference between Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants?
Trafficking in Persons is defined as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.
Smuggling of Migrants is the procurement in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or material benefit, of the illegal entry of a person into a State Party of which the person is not a national or a permanent resident.
Smuggling of Migrants involve procurement of a service for the illegal entry of a person into a country.
Both Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants are profitable businesses involving human beings often run by criminal networks.
Who can be trafficked?
Anybody can be trafficked, children (girls and boys) and adults (men and women).
However, women and children are more vulnerable to trafficking than men.
Who is a trafficker?
Traffickers are persons who engage in the criminal activity of trafficking human beings. Often a trafficker is someone whom the victim knows on a personal basis, such as a family member, friend, romantic partner, or community member.
What makes persons more vulnerable to trafficking?
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Low income
- Dysfunctional Families
- Promise of greener pastures
- Domestic violence
- Social exclusion
Where is one Trafficked to?
Children and adults are trafficked across international borders or within Kenya.
Children (boy and girls) and Adults (Men and Women) are trafficked for:
- Forced labour
- Sexual exploitation
- Child Labour
- Domestic Servitude
- Harvesting of Body Organs
- Involvement in Terrorist Groups and gangs
- Forced Marriage
- Child marriage
- Begging
- Drug trafficking
- Child soldiers
Who are most vulnerable to be trafficked?
Children in the Streets, Orphans, Children on the move that are unaccompanied, children from poor backgrounds, Children in conflict areas, refugee children, missing children, and children in Charitable Children Institutions.
For adults it is mainly women between the ages of 21 to 28 years.
Who can identify a victim of trafficking?
A victim of trafficking can be identified by anyone in the community. This include relatives, law enforcement agencies (Police, prosecution, immigration, Children Officers), Judicial Officers, social workers, local leaders such as chiefs, Labour Officers, recruitment agencies, medical staff, embassy and consulate workers, Civil Society Organizations, religious leaders, international organizations, community members, friends, hotel workers and transport operators.
How does the Government protect victims and witnesses of Trafficking in Persons?
The National Assistance Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons offers support to victims of trafficking in persons. The assistance includes return to and from Kenya, resettlement, reintegration, provision of basic needs, shelter, psychosocial support, legal information, and any assistance that the victim may require.
Further, the Witness Protection Agency gives special protection, on behalf of the State, to victims and witnesses of Trafficking in Persons through various means including physical and armed protection; relocation; change of identity or any other measure necessary to ensure the safety of a protected person.
Protection of victims can also be done during court proceedings through holding in camera or closed sessions; use of pseudonyms; reduction of identifying information; use of video link or employing measures to obscure or distort the identity of the victim/witness.
Some tell-tale signs that someone has been trafficked
- Unable to freely leave his/her work environment
- Showing signs that his/her movements are being controlled
- Afraid of revealing their migration status
- Not in possession of their travel/identity documents
- Not aware of his/her home or work address
- Being forced to work under certain conditions
- Subjected to violence or threat of violence against themselves or against family members and loved one
- Working excessively long hours over long periods without compensation and time off
- Under control of an individual
- Has no access to education in case of a child
- Has not time to play in case of child
Who can report a case of trafficking?
Anyone in the community
How can I know that I have been recruited for a genuine job within the country or overseas and whether my contract in authentic?
- There is a list of the vetted recruitment agencies from the National Employment Authority Website.
- The Department of Labour authenticates contracts.
Where can I report a case of suspected trafficking?
- To the nearest Police Station
- To the nearest Directorate of Children Services Office
- To the nearest Immigration Office
- Nearest Kenyan Embassy/Diplomatic Mission
- The nearest administration office -village elder, Assistant Chief, Chief, National Government Administration Officers, County Government Officers.
What number can I call?
- Child Helpline 116
- Gender Based Violence Rapid Response System and Helpline 1195
- Counter Trafficking in Persons Secretariat line 0733721566
- For protection of victims and witnesses 0800-720460/ 0711222441/0725222442
What is Inua Jamii programme?
It is a government of Kenya’s flagship National Safety Net Programme that supports the poor and vulnerable citizens by providing them with a bi monthly stipend to cushion them from poverty and vulnerabilities in order to improve their welfare.
What are the cash transfer programmes under Inua Jamii programme?
There are three cash Transfer programmes;
- Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
- Cash Transfer for Older persons aged 70 years and above
- Cash transfer for Persons with Severe Disabilities
Who administers the programmes?
The programmes are implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection through the State Department for Social Protection and Senior Citizen Affairs.
What is the target group for the programme?
The programme targets;
- Poor households caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children;
- Older Persons aged 70 years and above; and
- Poor households taking care of Person(s) with Severe Disabilities.
What is the eligibility criteria for the programme?
Each cash transfer programme have unique eligibility criteria which one has to meet before registration as outlined below: -
- Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC);
- An extremely poor Kenyan household with one or more OVCs as a permanent member;
- A household with a caregiver who is chronically ill and unable to perform his/her duties
- A household not benefiting from any social assistance programme with exception of a household having OP-CT beneficiary; and
- A household that has resided in a particular location for more than a year.
Older Persons Cash Transfer (OP-CT) eligibility criteria:
- A Kenyan citizen aged 70 years and above and a holder of a valid Kenyan National Identification Card (ID)
- Should not be receiving a pension
- Should have a caregiver with a valid Kenyan National ID
- One can be a beneficiary as well as caregiver of either PWSD-CT or CT-OVC Programme
- The person should have been a resident in a particular location for more than a year.
Persons with Severe Disabilities Cash Transfer (PWSD-CT) eligibility criteria:
- An extremely poor household with a person(s) with severe disability
- A household not enrolled in any programme with exception of an OPCT beneficiary;
- The beneficiary is a Kenyan citizen: and
- The household should have been in existence in that location for a minimum of 1 year.
How much does a beneficiary receive?
Each beneficiary receives ksh 4000.00 every two months.
How does the programme disbursed money to the beneficiary?
The disbursement is done electronically from the government to the six contracted banks who subsequently credit beneficiary’s/Caregiver’s Inua Jamii bank account. The six contracted banks are;
- Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd;
- Equity Bank Kenya Ltd;
- Kenya Commercial Bank (Kenya) Ltd;
- Kenya Post Office Saving Bank (Postbank);
- Kenya Women Finance Trust; and
- National Bank of Kenya.
Where do beneficiaries access their money?
The beneficiaries and caregivers can access money from:
- The nearest authorized bank agent of the banks they opened account with ;
- Over the counter of the bank they have opened an account with.
What should a beneficiary do when his/her Inua Jamii account becomes inactive/dormant?
An account becomes inactive after six months due to lack of transaction. To activate account, one has to transact within two months failure to which the account becomes dormant after eight months. When the account falls dormant, the beneficiary must go to their bank in person and activate the account biometrically.
Can a beneficiary/Household be exited from the programme?
Yes, a beneficiary can be exited from the programme when:
- The Older Person or Person with Severe Disabilities passes on;
- There is no orphan and vulnerable child in the CT-OVC beneficiary household;
- The last child in a CT- OVC household attains the age of 23 years; and
- A beneficiary/caregiver fails to withdrawal funds from their Inua Jamii account within one year.
Why is proof of life necessary for the programme beneficiary?
It is important for programme beneficiary to prove that he/ she is still alive once every six (6) months in order to continue being supported by the programme. This is done by presenting him/herself to his/her respective payment service provider and transact biometrically.
What happens to the money in beneficiary’s account that has fallen dormant?
The money is clawed back to the Ministry’s holding account in the respective bank and is used for other programme activities.
What makes Inua Jamii account different from ordinary bank account?
- A beneficiary/caregiver authenticate transactions biometrically;
- Beneficiary can withdrawal money from contracted banks Agents / pay points countrywide;
- No ledger fees or other standing charges;
- Two free withdrawals per payment cycle
What happens if the beneficiary loses / damages his/her Programme payment card?
First card is free. However, if beneficiary loses/damages his/her card he/she will be charged by the bank for a new card as per normal bank charge.
Does the programme have feedback channels to handle grievances and complaints?
The programme have different channels through which beneficiaries and members of public can register complaints and grievances on the programmes. These include:
- Inua Jamii Toll free line – 1533;
- Email i.e.;
- Programme Officers at County or Sub-Counties;
- Beneficiary Welfare Committee Members (BWCs);
Does the programme pay for beneficiaries’ National Hospital Insurance cover?
The State Department for Social Protection and Senior Citizen Affairs does not pay the cover for programme beneficiaries.
Economic Inclusion Program
What is targeting?
Targeting is the first stage of graduation. It entails selecting program participants using specific indicators such as extreme poverty levels, population and other vulnerabilities. Scientific tools such as PPI (poverty probability index) are also used to select specific house households.
There are different levels of targeting depending on the desired outcomes of the process.
When does EIP targeting begin?
- For the Economic Inclusion Programme (EIP), targeting begun at the national level, where the initial program counties were selected. This selection was to ensure there is representation across various counties to test the applicability and impact of graduation as a methodology under social protection.
- The targeting process was then cascaded down to the Counties through community participation to select sub counties and locations for program intervention.
- Targeting uses already existing KNBS data, proxy research from recognized institutions on indicators such as nutrition, food security and other vulnerabilities as well as conversations with opinion leaders such as chiefs and sub chiefs to narrow down to villages.
- All of these stages of targeting are meant to ensure that the most deserving of the populations are selected and the process is transparent and accessible to everybody for scrutiny and verification.
What is the eligibility criteria?
- The first criteria is that the programme participants must come from the geographies selected. This is the counties, sub counties, locations, sub locations and finally the villages selected.
- They must be extremely poor, that is living below $1.90 a day and are also prone to other sets of vulnerabilities.
- Some of the programme participants are also selected from the NSNP list, which is estimated at 25%.
- The individuals selected must also be heads of households and have a permanent home for at least the next three years, this allows them to attend consistently the planned trainings, mentoring and form saving groups as part of the programme.
Where will targeting and registration processes be done?
The targeting and registration of participants takes place at the household level since the tools of identifying households are administered at the household level.
What is the need for geographical targeting?
- Increases objectivity in the EIP targeting process.
- Allows community participation.
- Increases community acceptability (buy in)
- Enhances allocation of resources to the most deserving populations
- Helps avert village saturation
How can a programme participant/ Household communicate his/her feedback and complaints?
The programme provides different channels through which participants, public can register grievances. The mechanism is designed to be simple to use, accessible and open to all. The access channels include:
- In person with a Mentor/Mentor Supervisor/SCSDO/CCSD
- In person at GDI Consortium partners‘ office(s)/DSD headquarters/ National Council for
Persons with Disabilities
- Via email or telephone at County/National offices of the National Council for Persons with
- By post to GDI Consortium partners/ DSD headquarters/ National Council for Persons with Disabilities
- Via telephone using a toll-free number, 1533 or EIP Complaints number +254 705-719-001
What is a Business in the EIP context?
A business is a livelihood activity started by households living in poverty or extreme poverty. A household member who is able to engage in productive/sustainable economic opportunities is identified and facilitated to start and run a micro-enterprise with ongoing mentoring specifically tailored for the selected livelihood.
What is a Business Group?
This is a group of individuals coming together in groups of 2s or 3s to start and run a business. In most cases a business group has a voluntary selection of Programme participants willing to work together in an enterprise and who complement each other in strengths, abilities and skills key for the kind of livelihood they have chosen.
Under EIP how is a group formed?
After programme participants have been identified, they are trained on business group formation and guided through a group formation process paying attention to complementarity to fill gaps in running their businesses. They are then guided to select a livelihood of their choice based on their skills, strengths, abilities, marketability of services and products.
How many Households (HHs) can form a Business Group?
The business group can be started by one HH, 2 or 3 HHs under the EIP design. These HHs come together to run one business.
What are the features of EIP Business groups?
- Eligible people are the extreme poor
- 1, 2 or 3-person group
- Participate in key training sessions - Financial literacy and Business Skills
- The business group comes up with a business idea, develop plan and submit
- Asset Grant – an asset grant is disbursed to help participants jump-start a sustainable economic activity
- Identity – All businesses should have a name to be identified with
- Engage in a livelihood activity of their choice based on their profiles, livelihood opportunities
What are the benefits of participants forming a Business Group?
- Higher accountability to each partner
- Gender perspectives considered
- Higher budget/capital for business
- Better risk management
What is the role of the mentor in the process of business group formation?
Prior to business group formation, mentors take the programme participants through a training on group formation. They spell out what potential business group members need to look out for when teaming up in business groups include the interests of members, abilities, strengths and complementarity which is important to help fill in gaps in the running of the business.
What are the processes/activities before and after a group is formed?
I.e.identification of potential businesses; business plan development etc.
Before a group is formed
- Geographical targeting
- Community entry
- HH targeting - Identification of eligible beneficiaries
- Household verification
- Training on business group formation
- Business training
After group is formed
- Training on business skills
- Enterprise selection
- Development and approval of a business plan
- Disbursement of Asset Grant
- The purchase of the asset/business starts vi. Mentoring continues
How will Asset Grant disbursement be done to programme participant HHs? (Include tranches and proportions)
EIP programme participants receive an Asset Grant of up to 30,000 that is transferred in two tranches, with support from the officials from government departments. Each HH/programme participant receives a first asset grant/seed funding of Ksh20,000 for investment based on an approved business plan. Subsequently, a second asset grant of Ksh10,000 is disbursed to each individual business partner for the business that meets the performance criteria from the monitoring report.
How are Participants HHs Expectations managed before, during business formation and after exit?
- Leverage on training manuals, the market analysis and needs assessment findings to determine participants‘ training needs, topics, sequencing, and tools
- All the selected households are required to undergo skills training which helps them make informed decisions- The business skills section of the participants training manual outlines the structure and process of enterprise selection. Mentors train and support the programme participants to come up with business plans (type of business, capital, cost benefit analysis and duration of enterprise) which are appraised by the mentor supervisors and managers/CPMs based on the market assessment reports
- Expectations are also managed during community entry activities i.e. Participatory community Mapping, Village information meeting, during which some of the questions are answered.
- During the development of business plans for each business- these highlight the choice of enterprise and structure of the business i.e. 1 person, 2- person or 3-person business; refinement of the business structure (1 person, 3 person) is done based on the participants‘ profiles, livelihood opportunities, geographic context and other social dynamics.
- Collaboration with expert‘s e.g. from ministries of livestock to support as needed depending on the enterprises selected.
- Preparation of business for exit which includes trainings tailored specifically to prepare programme participants for exit.
How are problems solved in a business group?
- Defined vision for the business. It‘s important for the business partners to have shared vision for the business
- Having a clear plan of how work is to be shared at the business – this is made easier by drawing an agreement of division of labor and sharing of profits to avoid conflicts
- Keep proper business records e.g. purchases and sales records
- Avoid giving credit to friends and family members
- Having regular meetings as a business group to plan and take stock
- Documenting next of kin
- Keeping business and family money PHYSICALLY separate
What happens to a business group after exit?
During the final months (3-6) of the programme, the programme team dedicates attention to preparing participants for exit. This means ensuring that participants achieve all mandatory targets (Graduation criteria), and are in a position to sustain outcomes beyond the end of the programme.
It is recommended that the programme team uses this time effectively to reinforce key messaging and learning, provide refresher trainings, facilitate linkages and instill confidence among participants that they can still progress out of poverty without needing intensive support provided by the programme.
Why is business monitoring necessary and how often is it done?
All business groups receive mentoring at least once every month. Progress monitoring is done on quarterly basis to check: profitability, cohesion of the group, business value, and up- to-date record keeping
Questions at the Administration level i.e. at the Chief’s office community mapping stage
How will I as the village elder benefit?
The EIP is a government program and as a government representative, you should support. You can be selected to be a participant but not a guarantee. Should you not be selected during the targeting process, qualifying members within your community will benefit, thus reducing crimes like theft, illicit breweries and associated risks.
Will the government pay us?
The program will facilitate for stipend on the specific days engaged to compensate for lunch and transport incurred.
Do we have a sitting allowance?
No. The EIP is a community empowerment program thus it is a benefit to all community members.
How will you get the staff working in the programme?
Administrative leaders are officially given a circular to announce for the vacancies. Thereafter the recruitment and selection process is based on candidates who qualify and who also hail from the locations the programme is being implemented.
How will the participants be selected?
There is a scientific way carried out through a survey at each household.
When are you coming back to proceed with the program?
The EIP commenced when the DSD initiated sensitization of the programme amongst government officials and the TA firm introduced. The programme has a sequenced set of activities that run for a maximum of 24 months.
What will the government give the participants?
The government intends to train, provide financial support and mentor the participants to develop sustainable livelihoods.
How will you locate all the households in our village?
The village elder and the Nyumba Kumi will fully assist. This will be on a voluntary basis.
Will both the husband and wife be participants?
No. The programme will only have one representative per household.
Will you come back after the visit at the households?
Yes. After the data is collected, it is analyzed and when the report of the qualified participants is ready, communication is made to share the results.
Why did you call us here?
Community members are called because the government intends to enhance transparency and work with all qualified participants for economic improvement of the community.
What will I do to make sure I am a participant?
Community members are encouraged to be honest when asked questions during the targeting process. The targeting process is a highly objective and statistical process that helps to identify the most deserving members of the community for enrollment into the programme. No personal intervention or connections are required to second or put anyone‘s name in the program.
Who are you? What is this organization?
The EIP is implemented by the DSD in collaboration with a TA firm – the TA firm is a Consortium of highly qualified companies that has implement economic inclusion interventions/poverty graduation programmes in Kenya and other parts of the world.
How long have you been working in this community?
The TA firm has supported communities in other counties in Kenya with the same kind of interventions that are currently being implemented in this location
Do you give loans? (avoid talking about grants)
Loans are not given. Loans are given within savings groups formed by individuals who qualify for the program.
So you mean everyone does not qualify?
You discriminate? There is a tool that is administered at the household level that ensures that there is no bias and that only those satisfying the criteria of selection join the program
How long is the program?
The program runs for a period of between 18 and 24th months
What kind of support do you give?
The programme provides support in establishing and managing enterprises, forming savings groups as well as continuous mentoring and training
Why are you coming to our household?
During the visit to your households, EIP officials ask a set of questions that help determine who qualifies to join the program. The information you provide is confidential and is not shared with anyone – not even the village elders. The information is for use by the EIP staff only.
How long will you be with us in the household?
The EIP staff need a few minutes to walk you through questions that help establish the social economic status of your family
Who will you need in the household?
Questions will be asked to the head of the household or their representative that is above 18 years and able to make a decision on behalf of the household.
What do you do with our information?
Information provided is subjected to a computerized system to analyze and generate results on community members who qualify to join the programme.
Vocational Rehabilitation Centres
What courses are offered at the Vocational Rehabilitation Centres?
- Tailoring
- Dressmaking
- Joinery
- Welding and fabrication
- Fashion and Design
- Embroidery
- Carpentry and Joinery
- Hair dressing and Beauty therapy
- Masonry
- Shoe Making
- Computer Packages
- Electrical installation
- Knitting
- Beadwork
- Leather work
When is enrolment done in the Vocational Rehabilitation Centres?
- January
- May
- September
Who is responsible for registration of persons with disabilities?
National Council for Persons with Disabilities
What is the mandate of the division vis-a-vis National Council for Persons with Disabilities?
Disability Programmes and Rehabilitations mandate is to formulate programmes and policies for persons with disabilities while National Council for Persons with Disabilities is to offer Oversight
Who is a Lay Volunteer Counselor (LVC)?
A lay/volunteer counselor is a citizen who offers his/her time, skills and resources to support individuals and families in need of guidance and counseling, under the direction of the Social Development Officer without remuneration.
What are the duties and responsibilities of a Lay Volunteer Counselor?
- To promote psycho-social support to older persons, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable members in the community
- To provide guidance and counseling services to individuals and families in need of care and protection at the community level
- To promote networking and collaboration in provision of guidance and counseling services by partners and stakeholders
- To enhance awareness on social issues affecting the family and community
- To provide referral and linkage services to relevant service providers and stakeholders such as FBOs, volunteer involving organizations (e.g. Red Cross, VSO) older persons and children institutions
- The LVC is expected to operate when his/her services are needed i.e. from home /at the Social Development office at any given time
- Establish and manage a platform to share experiences , best practices and information within their areas of jurisdiction or operation
Where are the Lay Volunteer Counselors found?
At the Sub-County level, across Kenya (Through the Sub-County Social Development Officer)
What is Elder Abuse?
Elder Abuse is any intentional action that harms or creates the risk of harm to a vulnerable older adult. Elder abuse is perpetrated physically, emotionally, sexually, through exploitation, neglect and abandonment.
What is the Family Promotion and Social Welfare Division doing about the rampant issue on suicide cases?
The Draft National Policy on Family Promotion and Protection seeks to address the issue on mental health and well-being, including community outreach programs on family mental health, applying ethical guidelines that protect the mentally challenged, and encouraging suicide prevention initiatives. The Department of Social Development has enlisted Lay Volunteers Counselors in all Sub County Offices and one of their core functions is to provide guidance and psychosocial support to individuals and families in need of care and protection at community level.
What do you mean by family promotion?
This is the deliberate process of giving families the necessary opportunities, relationships, networks, and support to become functional and self-reliant.
What is Aging?
This is the process of growing old manifested in the multidimensional process of physical, psychological and social change
What is Gerontology?
This is the study of the process of ageing.
What is Geriatrics?
This is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases, debilities and care of older persons
What are the international, regional, legal, policy and institutional frameworks on older persons?
These include: The Universal Convention of Human Rights (1948), African Charter of Human and People’s Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR, 1966), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR,1966), UN Declaration on the Right to Development (1986), The Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination(CERD, 1965), The Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW,1979), The Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT, 1984), The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, 1989), International Labour Organizations Conventions (Various), UN Standards Rules on Equalization on Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1992), UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), UN Plan of Action on Ageing (1982), UN Principles for Older Persons (1991) and UN Proclamation on Ageing (1992)
Does Kenya have Institutions for Older Person?
Yes. Various charitable organizations have been operating residential institutions for older person.
In 2018 the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection launched the National Standards and Guidelines on the Establishment and Management of Institutions for Older Persons to harmonize national guidance on the establishment and management of residential and non-residential institutions offering services to older persons.
What is parenting?
It is the interaction, behaviour, emotions, knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices associated with the provision of nurturing care. (UNICEF, 2017)
What is Family Based Care?
It is the short-term or long-term placement of a child in a family environment with one consistent caregiver and nurturing environment where the child is part of a supportive family and the community. (National Guidelines on the Alternative Family Care of Children in Kenya, 2014)
Where to register homes for the elderly?
The State Department for Social Protection does not have the mandate to register homes instead it has the National Standards and Guidelines on the Establishment and Management of Institutions for Older Persons that act as reference for institutions of older persons and other stakeholders who seek to improve the lives of older persons through institutional care. The Guidelines provide a basis for the State Department to monitor compliance by Institutions that offer services to older Persons
Where do families get psycho social Support?
The State Department has offices in all the 47 Counties and 290 Sub Counties with Social Development Officers. The SDO’s work with the support of Lay Volunteer Counselors equipped with basic counselling skills to provide psycho social support to families and children in Distress
What is National Positive Parenting Programme?
The programme seeks to build and sustain a positive parenting culture and framework that enables diverse families across Kenya to be loving, nurturing, respectful, supportive, and violence-free, and to promote the wellbeing and development of all family members.
What is the Content of National Positive Parenting Programme?
The National Positive Parenting Programme is made up of the three Components one of them is the Positive Parenting Education Groups that entails training of parents and caregivers with the following as the essential documents required:
- The National Positive Parenting Guidelines,
- Training Manual,
- Implementation Guide and
- Facilitators guide
- An online self-guided introduction to positive parenting, a module for organizations interested in implementing the National Positive Parenting Programme.
What is Enhanced Single Registry?
A socio economic database that integrates and stores information of the vulnerable households in Kenya. It allows social protection stakeholders to use this information to target vulnerable households for developmental interventions along the lifecycle as well as provide an effective shock responsive mechanism.
What is the objective of the Enhanced Single Registry?
- To establish a database that contains data for existing and potential beneficiaries for social protection interventions.
- To promote social protection policies & programmes that link individuals to different social protection interventions along the lifecycle.
- To ensure timely response interventions that cover a greater proportion of the vulnerable households during shocks & emergencies.
- To facilitate linkages to complimentary services for greater social and economic inclusion to vulnerable households.
Who is eligible for registration under the Enhanced Single Registry?
For one to be registered under the ESR one must be living within a household, a resident of a location, willing to be registered and able to provide identification documents.
Who are the client of Enhanced Single Registry?
Clients of ESR include the following: The NSNP comprising of OVC-CT, PWSD-CT, OP-CT/ 70 years & above and HSNP. Also the Government ministries, county governments, UN agencies, local and International NGOs and the private sector.
What determines the number of households to be registered?
The number of households to be registered is informed by the latest reports on poverty estimates at location levels provided by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.
How do you identify an enumerator under the ESR data collection exercise?
The enumerator will be wearing ESR badge with clearly spelt out names & any other ESR branded materials.
How can a potential beneficiary communicate their grievances?
Any complaints and grievances about the ESR data collection exercise should be recorded at the sub county social development/ children office.