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Child Welfare Society of Kenya (CWSK)

The Child Welfare Society of Kenya (CWSK) is mandated with the care, protection, welfare and control of children. It is the National Welfare Society for Kenya, the National Emergency Response and Rescue Organization for children and the National Adoption Society. 

The agency was established and registered as a society under the Societies Ordinance 1952. It is an exempt society with permanent trustees of public nature and governed by an irrevocable Trust Deed of 1955.

National Council for Children's Services (NCCS)

The National Council for Children's Services (NCCS) is established under Section 41 of the Children Act, 2022. It's mandate is to regulate, coordinate and oversight children services in Kenya. It is also mandated to advise the Government on all matters relating to children in Kenya.

National Council for Persons With Disabilities (NCPWD)

The National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) is a State Corporation entrusted with the statutory mandate to champion the rights and equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities. 

It was established by the Persons with Disabilities Act, 2003 and came into effect in 2004.