DSD Achievements
Ratification of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the Rights of Older Persons in Africa and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa
The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Older Persons in Africa was adopted by the African Union Assembly of Head of States and Governments (Assembly/AU/Dec. 589 (XXVI) on January 2016 whereas the Protocol to the African charter on Human and Peoples Rights on Persons with Disabilities in Africa was adopted by the African Union Assembly of Heads of States and Governments (Assembly/AU/Dec. 676 (XXX) on January 2018.
The Directorate has been spearheading the ratification processes of both Protocols and on February 2022, Kenya ratified and deposited with African Union Commission (AUC), the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the Rights of Older Persons in Africa and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa.
The National Policy on Older Persons and Ageing (2018)
The Ministry has a National Policy on Older Persons and Ageing (2018) that provides for a comprehensive framework to facilitate the provision of reasonable care and assistance to older persons to participate in the society and enjoy their rights, freedoms, and live-in dignity.
- A National Plan of Action (NPA) on the implementation of the policy was validated in a stakeholders’ forum in the FY 2020/21. Plans are underway to Launch the NPA during the International Day for Older Persons on 1st October 2022.
The National Policy on Family Promotion and Protection
The process of development of a Family Promotion and Protection Policy commenced in the year 2015 with the process being spearheaded by a technical working group made up of representatives from both government and non-governmental organizations.
The Draft Policy was first presented to the Cabinet for approval in March, 2017. In August 2018, the Cabinet considered the Memorandum and noted that there was need to;
- Involve all stakeholders and carry out wider consultations, and;
- Directed the Cabinet Secretary to consult the Attorney General to determine the legal and social impacts of the policy.
In 2019, the State Department for Social Protection engaged the Attorney General and also carried out wider stakeholder consultations as directed.
In April 2022, the Cabinet Memorandum on the National Policy on Family Promotion and Protection was presented before the Principal Secretary’s National Development Implementation Technical Committee for consideration and approval of the Policy.
Marking of the UN International Days of the older persons and families (International Day of Older Persons – 1st October, World Elder Awareness Abuse Day – 15th May & International Day of the Family – 15th June)
The Directorate successfully marked the International Day of Older Persons on 30th September 2022 in Kisii County.
Institutional care for Older Persons
- Launch and Operationalization of Kirinyaga Rescue Centre for Older Persons
In 2018, the Directorate of Social Development identified Mwea Community Capacity Support Program (CCSP) for renovation as a rescue centre for vulnerable and distressed older persons. To accommodate this new purpose, the centre was redesigned and refurbished, to make it older persons-friendly and responsive to the needs of the elderly citizens in the Kirinyaga County and the neighbouring Counties.
Kirinyaga Rescue Centre for Older Persons was completed in 2020 and launched on June 2021 by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection Simon Chelugui, during the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).
The Centre has the capacity to accommodate 45 vulnerable older persons. In this current Financial Year 2022/23, the State Department for Social Protection has been allocated Kshs. 20 million to: -
- Deploy human resource/personnel to manage and run the operations at the Centre. These include a; Centre Manager, Nurse/Counselor, Driver, Cooks, Nutritionist, Security Guard, Ground’s man and a Matron (2 housemothers & 2 house fathers); and
- Fund the recurrent expenses of the Centre to cater for the Utility bills (water & electricity); Food & rations; Drugs/ Medicines; Toiletries, Detergents; Fuel (Gas & firewood); Vehicle maintenance; and Maintenance of buildings and the equipment/machines;
- National Guidelines on the Establishment and management of Institutions for Older Persons
To ensure the proper management of institutional care and support for older persons, the Department of Social Development developed National Standards and Guidelines on the Establishment and Management of Institutions for Older Persons in June 2018. These guidelines were developed as a result of baseline survey undertaken by the Department in 2014 which established that there were around 120 institutions offering services to older persons across the country. The survey findings also identified unregulated and sub-standardized services provided to older persons in the existing institutions.
The Directorate through the Family Promotion & Social Welfare Division in May 2022 conducted monitoring visits to institutions that offer care and support to older persons in Mombasa, Kilifi, Laikipia, Meru, Kisii & Nyamira Counties to establish of their concurrence to the Guidelines.
The Guidelines is due for Review in this current FY 2022/23.
- Databank on Institutions of Older Persons
There is a functional inventory on institutions of older persons which is updated regularly.
Currently we have over 100 institutions that offer care and support to older persons in the database spread across the country.
Development and implementation of the National Parenting Programme (NPP)
The Directorate of Social Development in partnership with UNICEF is currently in the process of developing the National Parenting Programme (NPP). This process began in November 2020.
The National Parenting Programme aims to strengthen the capacity of families to foster healthy family relationships, mental health issues, promote healthy child development, minimise the risk of separation and address the challenge of reintegrating children back to their respective family or community members under the National Care Reform Strategy for Children in Kenya (2022- 2032).
To date: -
- A Draft National Parenting Manual has been developed. The Draft Manual was pre-tested in 15 counties namely Nairobi, Baringo, West Pokot, Kisumu, Busia, Kakamega, Eldoret, Meru, Makueni, Kajiado, Embu, Kiambu, Garissa, Kilifi, Nyamira and Siaya in April 2022;
- Draft National Parenting Guidelines, Draft Facilitator's Manual as training materials have been developed;
- Technical officers from the Directorate of Social Development (DSD), Directorate of Children Services (DCS), and National Council for Children Services (NCCS) and field officers from both DSD and DCS (15 Counties) where the Draft National Parenting Manual was pre-tested, have been trained as Master Trainers;
- Facilitators (Lay Volunteer Counsellors, Child Protection Volunteers and Community Health Volunteers) from Garissa and Kilifi who will to deliver the 14 Positive Parenting Sessions in the National Parenting Training Manual have been trained and;
- Currently the pilot of the National Parenting Programme is ongoing. The pilot will be undertaken for 1 year. It commenced in July 2022 and will conclude in June 2023.
- Draft proposals have been sent to SOSCV, World Vision and UNICEF to fund a workshop to discuss the content of the National Parenting Manual and also monitoring of the pilot which is ongoing in Garissa and Kilifi.
Empowerment of Lay Volunteer Counsellors & Social Development Officers
A lay/volunteer counsellor is a Kenyan citizen who offers his /her time, skills and resource to support individuals and families in need of guidance and counseling, under the direction of the social Development Officer without remuneration.
- The Department in partnership with SOS Children Villages in the FY 2020/21 trained one Hundred and Twenty-Five (125) Lay Volunteer Counsellors and Sixty-Six Social Development Officers (66) in seven counties namely Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Meru, Homa Bay, Busia and Uasin Gichu. The topics covered include: The topics covered included: psychosocial support & mental health, understanding oneself, case management and child & youth participation.
- In 2021 the Department of Social Development in partnership with UNICEF and the Ministry of Health trained a total of 446 Lay Volunteer Counselors and 111 Social Development Officers on Psychological First Aid (PFA). The topics covered included: Understanding Psychological First Aid, Self-care, Quality Rights, Child protection and role of Social Development Officers to child protection & adolescents.
Creation of strong Collaboration & Partnerships with stakeholders
The Division during the Years have collaborated with different stakeholders in different activities. They include:
- UNICEF ICS Kenya, LUMOS, Save the Children and World Vision on the Development of the Parenting Programme;
- SOS Children Villages in training Lay Volunteer Counsellors;
- AMREF Kenya on Hygiene Behaviour Change Communication (HBCC) on Older Persons;
- NSSF, NHIF, Suquoon Organization, Ageing Concern Foundation (ACF) & HelpAge Kenya in various activities concerning older persons.
Participation in the Regional and International forums
During the FY 2021/22 the Country through the Directorate through the FP&SW Division was able to participate in the: Regional Workshop on the 4th Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) held in Addis Ababa from 11th – 14th July 2022. The 3 Focus areas were Older persons and development; Advancing health and well-being into old age; and Ensuring the existence of enabling and supportive environments.
In the FY 2022/2023 the Directorate was also able to participate in the
- 13th Session of the Open Ended Working Group (OEWGA) held in New York which is held annually to discuss on issues affecting older persons. The two focus areas was Right to health & Access to Health Services and Social Inclusion.
- 61st Session on the Commission of Social Development which was held on 5th – 12th February, 2023 in New York. It is an annual event.
Launch of the Disability Awareness Creation Booklet
Launch of the Disability Mainstreaming Strategy 2018 booklet
Launch of the Inclusive Data Charter action plan
Status Report on Disability Inclusion in Kenya
Protocol on the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the Rights of Persons with disabilities in Africa.